Monday, April 17, 2017

17 - 4 -'17          Run 1818        Miner's Tavern

1st run of new GM FOP's reign, & the start of the downfall "Lowering
The Bar". Around 23 attendees, & not bad for an Easter Monday Run,
with the notable absence of REAR ENTRY, given The Miner's is his
"office" & he's always at the joint. 
Brand new Choirmaster HEAD HUNTER called for reverence for the
GM to start the On After. 
FOP had welcomes back for BAG OF DICKS, Paul "Bearer" & 
PUSBUCKET ( & as he said "Wot after 1 week?"). Significant Runs to
GILF 234 & PLUCKA 131. HEAD HUNTER proceeded to trot out a 
heap of new chants that we're never gonna get to remember.
New Screw FASCINATOR has introduced technology, having to read
his freakin' long-winded dialogue (are we there yet ?) from his phone,
& after a fair slab of football references, gave the Run of FOP
HER VAGESTY a 6.7, to which HEAD HUNTER began her chant of
"Shitty Trail" etc, to the tune of Mickey Mouse.
Stand-in Sergeant HER VAG thought the sniffyc*nts of 1818 should
be about the 18 yr olds & said "not D&C who's 3+ X 18", & so, enter
Eleanor, with DR DEATH taking a drink for the Daughter.
PEBBLES had a drink for being "horny" for HER VAG on the run - 
Hash Horn, then DUMBER for the stolen gold bullion in his old
Webster St, with THE BILL & QUICK DICK the closest likeness 
to the thief.
Setting the Run, HER VAG met old Hash Runner ANDREW ANDREW
ANDREW, so nominated another old Hash Runner SS to take a drink.
CRUTCHLESS charged MOUNTIE, for MOUNTIE asking at Waubra
months ago, "who are you?" - turns out MOUNTIE had known 
her for 20+ years. 
THE BILL was charged for rear-ending MOUNTIE last week (who'd
have thought !), & to that, HEAD HUNTER finally got to reel off a
chant that we knew. Also last week, visitor DEMENTIA invited the
girls in the "take home car", back to the Motel, presumably for a 
"happy ending".
NORMAL charged Paul "Bearer" for their conversation on the walk,
when NORMAL asked "so what's been happening Paul?" & the reply,
"Oh, I went down last night, big dark hole that you could drive a 
truck thru' & it's pretty wet down there", of course, talking about
the Mine. That's when NUMMY continued to "lower the bar", 
chanting that farkin' "Oughta be publicly ......." Arghhhh!!
THE BILL & QUICK DICK saved HER VAG - "don't roll your ankle
on that acorn" (again), & "if you do, give us the keys, so that while
you're laid up, we can get to the drink-stop"
They called NORMAL a lazy prick for only laying 10 bricks on a 
big job, but he thought that was good management - & it got
him a drink.
D&C, NUM NUM MOUNTIE are off to Tassie (MOUNTIE's got 
a map, D&C not), so MOUNTIE awarded them drinks ahead
of time - reckon the rest of us should've had a drink 'cos they
won't be here.

Righto,  you've had a fair go ......

Next week, THE BILL's run from Munster's Arms, 
(old Black Rhino), Bakery Hill.

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