Monday, December 12, 2016

12 - 12 -'16     Run 1800     343 Miller's Rd.

TEFLON's run. MRS DICKHEAD was stand-in Choirmaster & called
the order, then NUM NUM took the floor in the official Grand Master's
coat to celebrate the Ballarat H3 1800th.
9 Super Athletes took to the run, soon to be caught up to by ROWDY,
after he had discovered the Drink Stop. The run was "a little challenging",
presenting many hills for us old farts, but we still managed to have our
first stubby before the 5 walkers appeared at the Crowny DS. Thanks for 
the choice of a shorter walk for the Short Cutting B's TEFLON
THE BILL TEFLON had first drinks at the On After, since they sprinted 
to the line for a dead heat, after tackling the 'long run'.
Welcomes back to LOIS LANE & FANG.
The 'oldest Ballarat H3 T shirt' entrants lined up - SS, LOIS LANE
SS screwed TEFLON for the weather & a great walk out in the bush
for the 5, but "don't know about the run".
         He said that GLIDER was well considering having treatment.
         GOGO's funeral was a fitting celebration of his life, many there 
         & his 3 Daughters spoke very well.
ROWDY proclaimed 1800 - the year of 'Aussie Glory', sending the
first Merino fleeces to England.
TEFLON had a pedantry charge for his 'errant apostrophies' in the
past week, & LOIS LANE brought along her 'historic survival kit
Hash bag', complete with condoms, tampons & a bottle opener.
FANG for looking good on his Vespa step thru', NUMMY for catching
the 18 foot-long snake - putting a box ( not hers!!) over it's head,
GILF for maybe being TEFLON's lucky night.
CRIS CROS wrapped ROWDY up in the tennis net, in case of a 
mossie strike, & MASTABAIT knew everyone in the area by name,
including the dog outside Ponga's gate.
LOIS LANE commiserated NZ Cricket's 3rd loss & the fact that
retiring PM Key doesn't want to know about it.
NUM had a drink for her 'oldest shirt', GILF for the Full Moon
charge, & PEBBLES for his 'biggus dickus'.
An ample supper by NUM & DUMB of Ham on the Bone, salads,
rolls, quiche & cake - very nice !!

Next week - Christmas Run from the Sheltered Workshop & 
On After at Top Eureka.

SS thought one of his most memorable nights at Hash was when
FOGGY wanted to take him to bed.
ARSO made a remark that he (ARSO) wouldn't be much good
in bed 'because you can't push a blancmange through a letterbox'.
JISM got his name for being caught out 'rooting' on the run.

Over & out !!

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